VSB – Technical University of Ostrava

Science is a job like any other. But it is an extraordinary job. Full of surprises and unexpected changes.

Let’s enjoy the Night of Scientists together on the theme of TRANSFORMATION. Friday, September 27, 2024, from 5 PM to 10 PM. We invite young and old, the demanding and those who find joy in small things. Everyone will find something to enjoy here.

This year’s program layout has also undergone a transformation. We will skip the University Hall, and the program route will start at the Geological Pavilion, the Library, the FEI Building (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics), the new Faculty of Economics building, and other interesting laboratories on campus, all the way to the Supercomputing Center and the Planetarium.

There is a lot of program and little time, so we recommend studying everything in advance and choosing what suits you. Reserve your spot for lectures and some tours.

Map of the Poruba campus - in preparation The program of the Faculty of Safety Engineering will take place at Lumírova 630/13, 700 30 Ostrava-jih-Výškovice.

We will speed up your steps – hop on the CAMPUS BUS. Timetable - in preparation

Program information: Jarmila Černá, jarmila.cerna@vsb.cz, tel. 724 187 558



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